

SJSU IAC is funded by the US Department of Energy to help US manufacturers save energy, improve productivity, and reduce waste by providing on-site technical assessments conducted by a team of SJSU faculty and students at NO COST to the client.

Client Eligibility

The general eligibility requirements are: 

Other facilities may qualify for SJSU-IAC service under exception. Please contact us if you have questions about the eligibility of your facility.

Assessment Protocol

After a potential client expresses interest in receiving SJSU-IAC services, the assessment coordinator will connect with the client to verify client eligibility for the assessment and familiarize the client with the assessment objectives and procedures. If necessary, an SJSU-IAC director may visit the client before the assessment.

Before conducting an assessment, SJSU-IAC will review the client’s utility bills from the past year and will request information about the client's manufacturing output. If some data are not readily available, the assessment coordinator will help the client collect them to the extent possible. Pre-Assessment data must be made available to SJSU-IAC at least two weeks before the assessment.

3. Phone Interview and Scheduling of Assessment

The assessment coordinator will arrange the assessment date and time with the client. Prior to the on-site visit, the assessment coordinator will conduct a brief phone interview to collect additional background information.

4. Day of Assessment

A team of faculty and students from SJS- IAC will arrive at client's site. The assessment involves a walk-through of the facility followed by taking inventory of major energy-consuming equipment and detailed measurements of energy consumption in the plant.

5. Assessment Report

SJSU-IAC will provide a comprehensive report within ~60 days after the site visit. The report will include detailed analysis of energy consumption at the plant and energy efficiency measure (EEM) recommendations. Each EEM recommendation will be accompanied with estimates of cost saving, implementation cost, and simple payback period, taking into account applicable government and utility rebates and incentive programs.